We live in a broken world.
Children and teens are removed from their homes because they have been abused, neglected or abandoned. Foster workers and foster parents care for these children with the hopes of reuniting them with their families. The members of this community need the support and encouragement from the Body of Christ to continue care for these children and their families. What an opportunity for Christians to show the love of Jesus to a broken community needing God's hope.
According to the most recent federal data,
there are currently more than
400,000 Children/Teens
in Foster Care
Of the 400,000 children in foster care,
More Than 100,000 Are
Waiting to be Adopted
Over 20,000 Youth
Age Out of Foster Care
each year when they turn 18 to 21
In St. Clair County, Alabama, on average
There Are 80 Children/Teens
in foster care with approximately
40 Active Foster Families.
“Foster Aid is a dynamic ministry asset to our local church. It is awaking our faith community to
the needs of foster families and children, constantly challenging our church to live incarnationally.
If you are looking for a way to love the “least of these” and be the hands and feet of Jesus Christ,
this organization is a fantastic resource.”
-Dr. Josh Burnham
Bethel Baptist Church, Moody, Alabama
Aiding the foster care community by mobilizing the body of Christ to provide tangible needs and serve foster children, foster parents, foster workers, relative/non-relative placements and birth families in St. Clair County, Alabama.
To disciple our local churches on how to grow sustainable foster care ministries. Giving them practical ways to outreach to this community and share the love of Jesus.